So long and thanks for all the fish.....

Yesterday I experienced what any entrepreneur lies awake at night dreading; the creditors meeting for the Group of Companies that were my child and passion project.

I have given them my heart and soul over the past 10 years and it fills me with sorrow to see the amazing journey end this way.  

It was with great sorrow and deep regret that on 28 April 2020 as Director of the IDPM Group of Corporations I made the extremely emotional and difficult decision to place these companies into administration. 

Last night the creditors’ meeting was held formally ceasing my involvement with these companies.

Our world is currently in such a state of chaos and upheaval that many of us are dealing with the loss of much more than just a business or money. My heart and thoughts go out to all those who have been affected by COVID-19 in those much more devastating ways.

Over the last few weeks I have been forced to reflect upon the highs and lows of the businesses and how they have shaped the lives of my family and myself over the past 10 years. 

I am proud to reflect upon the achievements, connections and opportunities we were able to provide through these organizations, and I am emboldened by the many leanings I have been able to make as an entrepreneur along the way. I know I am now a far superior executive to the one that started IDPM all those years ago.

I thank all of you who have reached out to provide your support, the strength you have leant me has been hugely comforting.

I am looking forward to what the future will bring on a personal level and for the next steps in my career as an entrepreneur.

Nigel Grier